Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Good Bye Lenin!

  Goodbye Lenin it's the kind of comedy only some people would understand and enjoy. And by some people I mean intelligent and cultivated kind of persons (yes, that's the kind of person I am, an probably you too because you are reading this). 
  The story takes place in the communist side of the wall in Berlin, before, and after the fall. It involves the misadventures of a son trying to save his mother from a mental collapse she suffered after seeing his own son protesting against her beloved communist party.  And yes, there is a love story like any good movie, and no, I don't think that's something that makes a movie for women. 
  I really don't want to spoil more of the story, I just hope you feel curious about it and watch it... Because with this movie you can laugh and learn a little about story at the same time. 
   It's a really hilarious movie to watch (once again) with your brightest friends, or to enjoy by your own!